Seasonal Flowers: Best Picks for Each Month

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Don’t let distance stand between you and the perfect bouquet! We’re not just passionate about creating stunning arrangements, but we also want to make sure they reach you fresh, vibrant, and in record time

Pansies as spring planting

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for an epic journey through the calendar year of blossoms! Let’s say a warm welcome to flowers in every shape, size, and scent, as we guide you through the “Seasonal Flowers: Best Picks for Each Month.” This isn’t just a list; it’s a fragrant guide through the flora of the world, month by month, from the cool chills of January to the cozy evenings of December.

To give a bit of context, our flowers’ availability isn’t constant throughout the year, just like your favorite Netflix shows. Some bloom all year round, the proverbial “Friends” of the flower world, while others are as elusive as that one season of “Firefly” you never got to watch. That’s why it’s important to keep up with the seasonal charts, and lucky for you, that’s why we’re here. And don’t forget, if you need a flower delivery in Mount Pleasant, SC, check out our shop!

So, buckle up, dear reader, and join us for the year-long floral adventure. We promise it will be a delightful ride! And hey, who knows? You might just find the perfect flower for your next bouquet. But enough chit-chat, let’s get this botanical show on the road!


The Importance of Choosing Seasonal Flowers

Flowers are like celebrities. Some, like roses, are A-listers, ready to dazzle anytime, anywhere. Others, like the elegant lily of the valley, are more like seasonal starlets, dazzling us with their beauty only at specific times of the year.

Now, why should you bother with these seasonal divas, you might ask? Well, for starters, choosing seasonal flowers is like shopping for fresh produce. They’re at their peak, radiating vibrant colors and intoxicating fragrances. More than that, they also tend to last longer, keeping your arrangement blooming beautifully for an extended period.

Secondly, we have to talk about the moolah! Yes, you heard it right, folks. Just like strawberries in summer or pumpkins in autumn, seasonal flowers are often more budget-friendly. They are easier to source, reducing transportation and storage costs, which directly reflects in their price tag.

But the benefits aren’t just limited to your pocket or your senses. Picking seasonal flowers also helps the environment. It reduces the carbon footprint associated with long-distance shipping and supports local horticulture. To put it simply, it’s like taking care of mother nature while she takes care of our aesthetic needs.

In a nutshell, choosing seasonal flowers is a win-win-win situation. You get fresher, longer-lasting, and cheaper blooms while doing your part for the environment. So, it’s time to hop on the seasonal bandwagon and let your floral arrangements mirror the beauty of the changing seasons. Isn’t that just a blooming great idea?


January: Embrace the Winter Chill

Pink carnations mount pleasant

Brrr… it’s January! While winter might have us wrapped up in layers, we’ve got blooms that dare to brave the chill. And, boy, do they put on a show!

First, we have the elegant Amaryllis. With her vibrant colors and large, trumpet-shaped flowers, she’s a surefire way to light up any room. Plus, her bulb can survive indoors, making her a hardy choice for the frosty season.

Next in line is the Carnation. Dianthus caryophyllus, as the scientists like to call it, is more than just a filler flower. With a vast palette ranging from white to red to purple, it’s a January favorite. And that spicy fragrance? It’s like a warm cinnamon latte on a cold day!

But let’s not forget about the humble Snowdrop. Small and unassuming, it pops out of the snow like nature’s own firework. Its delicate white flowers are a symbol of hope and beauty in the heart of winter.

Lastly, there’s the Winter Jasmine. Its yellow flowers might look delicate, but don’t be fooled! This winter bloomer is robust and adds a splash of sunshine to the gloomy winter landscape.

So there you have it, folks! January might be cold, but with these flowers, you can add a touch of warmth and color to your spaces. It’s all about embracing the winter chill in style! Now, isn’t that a cool idea?

Don’t forget to check out this guide for more winter flowering plants. After all, we professional florists are here to help!



February: Blooms to Warm Your Heart

Valentine day composition with rose flower and red heart on table.

As we step into February, the season of love, we’re going to paint the town red. Or pink. Or any other lovely hue that our blooms come in!

First on the list, we have the iconic Rose. Available in a staggering array of colors and types, there’s a Rose for every sentiment. Red for love, yellow for friendship, and so on. This versatile beauty takes center stage in Valentine’s bouquets.

Next, we have Primroses. Their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance make them a great pick for indoor planting. And hey, their name means ‘first rose,’ so they’re pretty special!

Violas are another February favorite. These flowers may be small, but they pack a punch. With their deep, rich hues, they add depth and contrast to any bouquet.

And who can forget about the Iris? Named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris blooms come in a wide range of colors. Fun fact: they also symbolize faith, hope, and wisdom.

So, folks, let’s not let the chilly weather dampen our spirits. With these fantastic February flowers, we can bring a bit of warmth and color to our hearts and homes. Now, who said winter had to be gloomy?


March: Welcoming Spring

Beautiful tulips mount pleasant

As March blows in with a promise of spring, we wave goodbye to the chills and hello to fresh blooms. Who’s ready to go floral shopping? I know I am!

Our first star for March is the Daffodil, a classic spring flower. With their trumpet-like structures and vibrant yellow hues, they scream, “Spring has sprung!” And fun fact, they’re known to symbolize rebirth and new beginnings. How fitting!

Next up, we have the Hyacinth. Famous for their sweet fragrance and clusters of star-shaped flowers, they’re the perfect choice for an indoor centerpiece. Just imagine walking into a room filled with the intoxicating scent of Hyacinths!

Now let’s talk Tulips. Coming in just about every color imaginable, Tulips are a versatile option for any floral arrangement. They’re the wildcards of the flower world. And trust me, their charm is simply irresistible!

Finally, we have the bold and beautiful Anemone. This flower, often found in deep purples, pinks, and reds, is sure to add a pop of color to your bouquet or garden.

So, fellow flower enthusiasts, March is here with a basket full of floral delights. Embrace the beauty of spring and let your garden, and heart, bloom!


April: Showers Bring Spring Flowers

common flower myths - sunlight

Hello, flower fans, and welcome to April! You’ve heard the saying, “April showers bring May flowers,” right? Well, allow me to introduce you to the flowers that defy the odds and bloom beautifully in April’s rainy days.

First on the list is the radiant Daisy. These blooms are hardy, cheerful, and ready to add a burst of sunshine to your day, even when the weather disagrees. Known to symbolize purity and innocence, they’re a delightful addition to any bouquet.

Next, we welcome the Peony. They’re like the divas of the flower world, and boy, do they know how to make an entrance! They blossom in a variety of stunning hues, making your spring garden a riot of color.

Third, we have the Larkspur. Towering spikes of blooms are the Larkspur’s claim to fame. They’re stunning, dramatic, and just a little bit wild. In the language of flowers, they represent an open heart and ardent attachment. Swoon-worthy, isn’t it?

Lastly, let’s celebrate the Snapdragons. This plant got its name from its resemblance to a dragon’s head – a bit of fun trivia for your next garden party. They’re unique, colorful, and sure to be a conversation starter!

That’s it for April, folks! Remember, just as flowers need rain to grow, sometimes we need challenges to blossom. So, as the April showers pour, let’s look forward to the flowers it brings!


May: Flowers for the Queen of Months

Hello, May! Often dubbed the “Queen of Months,” May is the prime time for blooms galore. This month, gardens are awash with colors, and new life is sprouting at every turn. So, let’s dive into May’s floral jewels, shall we?

First up, the Iris. Noted for its intricate, unique structure, the Iris symbolizes faith, hope, and wisdom. They come in a variety of eye-catching colors, making your May garden an enchanting spectacle.

Next, we have the Columbine. This bloom is nature’s origami masterpiece. If you’re going for a fairy-tale garden vibe, these are your go-to. The Columbine also has a hidden message, representing foolishness in the language of flowers. A little fun, a little folly, sounds like May to me!

Our third bloom for May is the beautiful Foxglove. Tall, elegant, and a favorite amongst bees. These bell-shaped beauties are a must-have for any May garden. But remember, while they’re beautiful to look at, they’re not for snacking – these lovely blooms are quite poisonous.

Finally, we can’t forget about the humble Sweet Pea. Ah, their fragrance is just…well, sweet! Perfect for any bouquet, they symbolize blissful pleasure in the world of flowers. A suitable sentiment for the queen of months, wouldn’t you agree?


June: Summertime Blooms

Cute little girl with a bouquet of daisies sits in a field with daisies on a sunny day

Ladies and gents, welcome to June, the doorway to summer. As the days grow longer, gardens are splashed with vibrant colors. With the buzz of bees and the sweet aroma of flowers in the air, it’s clear that summer is upon us. Let’s take a look at some of the blooms that make June such a delight.

Starting our list is the colorful Hydrangea. Its large and eye-catching blooms can really steal the show in any garden. Fun fact: the Hydrangea’s color changes based on the soil’s pH level. Talk about flower power!

Next up, we’ve got the famous Rose. June is the prime time for these beauties. Symbolizing love and passion, they’re a perfect gift for those June anniversaries (wink, wink). Plus, with countless varieties available, there’s a rose out there for everyone!

Moving on, let’s talk about the Foxgloves that we met in May. These blooming bells stick around for June too. So, if you missed them last month, here’s your second chance.

Finally, let’s not forget about the Daisies. Simple, yet so charming. A field full of these is a real sight to behold, folks. Besides, who can resist making a daisy chain on a lazy June afternoon?


July: Celebrating Summer’s Peak

Purple Lily Mount pleasant
Purple Lily

Fellow flower enthusiasts, welcome to July, the heart of summer! With the sun at its peak and plants reaching their full glory, July is a treat for any flower lover. Let’s uncover the star performers of this month.

First on the list, we have Lilies. Striking in both color and scent, lilies are a symbol of the beautiful month of July. Their trumpet-shaped blooms create an extravagant display in gardens. But remember folks, if you have feline fur-babies at home, these beauties can be toxic to them.

Next up, we’ve got Lavenders. Ahh, just saying their name transports me to a sun-kissed field with a gentle, calming fragrance wafting in the air. If you’ve ever dreamed of that, then July is your month!

Now, we can’t leave out the cheerful Sunflower. In July, these sunny faces begin to turn towards the sun. Standing tall and radiant, they’re truly the poster child of summer.

Lastly, let’s welcome the Delphinium. With their towering spires and vibrant hues, these flowers are set to steal the show in your summer garden.

In conclusion, July, with its bright days and vibrant blooms, is a paradise for flower lovers. Embrace the peak of summer and create a stunning garden display with these magnificent July blooms. If you want to know more about these flowers, check out this guide.


August: Late Summer Selections

Moss phlox blooming in the garden ( Moss-pink, Mountain phlox)

Hello to all you bloom buffs out there, and a hearty welcome to August! If you’re thinking the flower season is winding down, I’m here to say, “Hold your horses!” The late summer selections are about to show off.

Firstly, the Dahlia makes its grand entrance in August. With their geometric petals and a smorgasbord of colors, these flowers are sure to be the envy of your neighbors. Don’t tell anyone I said this, but they’re my personal favorites!

Onwards to Gladiolus, known affectionately as the ‘sword lily’. Sounds quite dramatic, doesn’t it? Just like their name, these flowers are show-stoppers. Towering spikes filled with large flowers, they’re the stars of late summer.

Next, we can’t miss out on the Phlox. Now, don’t let the funny name fool you. These little clusters of star-shaped flowers can bring a big smile to your face! Their sweet scent is a real bee magnet, and let’s face it, we all love those buzzing buddies!

Finally, August gives us the Coneflower. They’re sun-loving, drought-tolerant, and come with a bonus feature – butterflies adore them! You know what they say, “two pollinators with one flower” or something like that.


September: Welcoming the Autumn

Pink Chrysanthemum mount pleasant sc

Hello, flower friends! September’s here, and you know what that means! We’re swapping out our flip flops for cozy boots, exchanging beach days for leaf-peeping excursions, and welcoming in the autumn with open arms – and vases!

Kick-starting our September showcase is the spectacular Aster. Now, these aren’t your average ‘flowers-next-door’. These blossoms explode with vibrant purples, pinks, and whites, stealing the autumn show. Not to brag, but I’ve had some Asters that made fireworks jealous!

Next up is the magnificent Chrysanthemum, or “Mum” as she prefers. Mums burst into bloom when the rest of the garden is saying its goodbyes. They offer colors from sunny yellows to rich burgundies, mirroring those gorgeous fall sunsets.

Let’s not forget the Sunflower! Despite its name, this beauty isn’t just a summer flirt. Late varieties strut their stuff into September, standing tall and proud. Picture it now: a sunflower field, a warm September sun…almost feels like summer’s giving you a farewell hug, right?

Lastly, the Dahlia. If you thought these stunners had had their moment, think again! They stick around for the early autumn, pulling double duty in both summer and fall. Now that’s what I call working overtime!

In essence, September isn’t just about pumpkin spice and everything nice. It’s about embracing the beauty of change, represented in every petal and leaf. Visit this site for more details.


October: Fall’s Finest

Marigold in midday light

Hey, pumpkin! October’s here, and it’s not just about Halloween and hayrides. It’s about the earthy, mellow hues, the crunchy leaves underfoot, and of course, the flowers that set the autumn stage!

First up is the Marigold. With its vibrant oranges and yellows, Marigolds capture October’s essence. They’re like little suns on stems, reminding us of warm days past as we prepare for winter.

But hold on! It’s not all about Marigolds. Meet the elegant Autumn Crocus. It’s a late bloomer that loves to steal the fall show. Its gorgeous purples can brighten up any gloomy October day. Trust me, you’ll fall for these.

Now, let’s not forget about the Chrysanthemum! It’s the flower that keeps on giving, adding color to your garden throughout October. Chrysanthemums, or as we in the business like to say, “Mums,” are the party guests who just don’t know when to leave. And let me tell you, we’re not complaining!

Lastly, the humble Pansy. Don’t let the name fool you, these little fighters withstand the first frosts, extending the flower season. They come in a variety of colors, perfect for keeping your garden looking lively.

October is a transformative month, a time for appreciating the beauty around us. So, don’t just fall for fall, fall for the flowers too. And for a deep dive into October’s floral wonders, you can check out this page.


November: Autumn’s End

Pansies as spring planting

Hello, my leaf-peeping pals! November is upon us and, believe it or not, we’ve got some floral fireworks to send autumn off in style.

First up is the Camellia. This beauty is the Cher of the floral world, looking fabulous even as the temperature drops. Its vibrant colors and lush petals are a sight for sore eyes as the days get shorter.

Next, allow me to introduce the winter Jasmine. This bright yellow blossom starts to bloom in late November, lending a touch of cheer as we transition to winter. It’s like Mother Nature’s way of saying, “I’ve got your back, buddy!”

Then we have the trusty Cyclamen. These cold-loving flowers come in various shades of pink, red, and white. Perfect for a chilly November day, they’re as cozy as a warm blanket and a mug of hot cocoa.

Lastly, let’s tip our hats to the Pansy. They’re still going strong, bracing the cold like champions. Remember them from October? Yeah, they’re the marathon runners of the floral world.

So, as autumn fades, remember that November isn’t just about Thanksgiving and prepping for the holidays. It’s also about celebrating the flowers that add color to our lives, even as the leaves fall. So, as you carve that turkey or pull out the holiday decorations, don’t forget to take a moment and enjoy November’s floral farewell to fall.


December: Winter Wonders

Bunch of Blooming Poinsettia Flower. Bright red Christmas rose leaves.

Well hello there, snow angels! As we step into December, the last page of the calendar, it’s time to shine a spotlight on the blooming miracles of winter.

First on the list is the Christmas Rose, also known as Helleborus. Even when the world is frozen and the nights are long, this brave little flower comes forth in all its glory. It’s like nature’s own holiday decoration!

Then, let’s hear it for the Holly. Sure, it’s not your typical flower, but its vibrant red berries and glossy leaves deserve some love. They’re the Michael Bublé of the plant world – they just scream ‘Christmas’!

Moving on, have you ever heard of the Snowdrop? This elegant flower stands tall and blooms beautifully, even in the coldest conditions. It’s like the magical Elsa from Frozen, but in flower form!

Lastly, don’t forget about the Witch Hazel. This plant is like the New Year’s Eve party-goer who shows up in their brightest outfit, even though everyone else is bundled up in wool. Its bright yellow blooms can light up any wintry day.

So, friends, even though December may be chilly, it’s far from flower-less. Let’s appreciate these winter wonders and close the year with a floral flourish! After all, flowers make everything better, don’t they?



Well, my petal-loving pals, we’ve journeyed through a year’s worth of blooms together. Every month, nature offers up its floral bounty, and we’re the lucky recipients!

Think about it. January’s chill brings blooms that laugh in the face of winter. February, the month of love, has flowers that are perfect symbols of affection. Spring arrives, and March and April are a riot of color. May, the queen of months, doesn’t disappoint with its regal blooms.

Then summer strides in. June, July, and August bring flowers that love the sun as much as we do. As the summer heat gives way to the crisp autumn air, September and October showcase the seasonal shift with their own unique blooms.

Finally, November signals the end of autumn, but its blooms are far from an afterthought. And then there’s December, surprising us all with its tenacious winter flowers.

So, folks, as we’ve seen, there’s never a month without its own floral masterpiece. Choosing seasonal flowers, you’ll not only get the freshest blooms but also do your bit for the environment.

What a journey, right? Remember, every flower tells a story, so let’s continue this blooming adventure! Stay petal-tastic, folks!


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